Please sit tight, you have found the global #1 script platform.

Build a professional-looking tool website on Blogger or WordPress with CodeOreo's premium scripts. With a click, you can have a complete website up and running.

Please sit tight, you have found the global #1 script platform.

Please sit tight, you have found the global #1 script platform.
Build a professional-looking tool website on Blogger or WordPress with CodeOreo's premium scripts. With a click, you can have a complete website up and running.

CodeOreo The World Leaders in Blogger Scripts & Templates

CodeOreo is the world's no.1 blogger scripts and templates providing platform. We have made a range of blogger templates for almost all industries. Our primary goal is to provide users with professional blogger templates and scripts that can be used to increase their blog's traffic, sales and revenue. We also provide users with the best blogging tips, strategies and other blogging tips to help them improve their blogging skills. CodeOreo, the world’s no. 1 blogger scripts and templates providing firm, is the best place to find blogger scripts. We provide the best and most sought-after blogger templates and help bloggers create high-quality content in the fastest possible way. Our products help bloggers build an audience, increase traffic, and generate more revenue.

Premium Scripts & Blogger Templates

You can use the scripts to build powerful blogger tools such as photo editing tools, image converter tools, PNG to JPG converter, JPG to PNG converter, video downloader tools, HTML, CSS, JAVA editor tools, button maker tools, table generator tools, privacy policy generators, URL encoders and decoders, base64 encoders and decoders, logo maker, banner maker, and more. Each script is detailed and explained in easy-to-follow steps, so you can learn the basics of building blogger tools and modify the scripts to fit your needs. There are many tools available for bloggers to use in order to make their blogging experience more powerful and effective. Some of these tools are blog scripts, which are powerful programs that can be used to make websites and blogs more functional, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. These blog scripts can be used to make blogs more interactive, help with SEO, and increase the amount of content available to readers.

Top Selling Scripts

Why Choose CodeOreo?

We provide the best scripts for tool websites and responsive blogger templates. With us, you can build a website in minutes. Our responsive blogger templates are designed to look good on any device. We have the best script for creating a website with no coding required. We provide the best website-building tool scripts and responsive blogger templates for small business owners, bloggers, and online entrepreneurs who want to build an online presence and gain more traffic and revenue. Our tools are easy to use, and you can build your website in minutes. Our responsive blogger templates are mobile-friendly, so your website will look great on any device. You don't need any design or coding experience. The best tool scripts for website building and responsive blogger templates are here! We at CodeOreo provide the most flexible, powerful, and easy-to-use platform for building websites. Our platform has a variety of tools website-building scripts that help users build tool websites or web applications with little experience and using their favorite scripts. Our responsive blogger templates are designed to be flexible and can be used with our platform or as standalone websites.

Latest Items

OreoHEX - HEX Color Picker Script
OrioFile - Files To Base64 Converter Script
OreoURL - URL Encode Decode Script
OreoButton - CSS Button Maker Script